Here at Without Walls Church we know that our future lies within our children. One of the most important jobs we have as a church is to equip our kids to live lives that demonstrate the Kingdom of God. We want children to learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, worship with all of their hearts, share their faith with the world around them and live life to the fullest.
Every weekend at Kids Movement we have energetic worship, prayer, offering, Bible lessons, games, memory verses, snacks and we confess the Word of God. Our service is very interactive. Kids have many opportunities to answer questions, lead various activities, and act out Scriptures and Bible stories. In the preschool class they also have Bible stories, offering, puppets, craft time, snack time and memory verses.
All kids ages 3yrs-6th grade earn WOW Bucks that they can spend at our WOW Bucks store once a month. We also have a missions giving Sunday to show kids it isn’t always about just getting. There are so many ways for kids to get involved. Our nursery is available in the main bldg for infants-2yrs old.